Erratum on news and interests on the Windows taskbar

I’ve published a wrong information about the registry key in the following blog post. The path is incorrect and missing a ‘Windows’. Sorry, my bad 😦

Here’s how to remove the wrong path

# pick the appropriate GPO
$gpo = Get-GPO -All | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single

if ($gpo) { 
Remove-GPRegistryValue -Guid $gpo.Id -Key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Feeds' -ValueName 'EnableFeeds' 

Here’s how to add the correct path 🙂

# pick the appropriate GPO
$gpo = Get-GPO -All | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single

if ($gpo) { 
Set-GPRegistryValue -Guid $gpo.Id -Key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Feeds' -ValueName 'EnableFeeds' -Type DWord -Value 0