Get the content of the WindowsUpdate log as an object

I wanted to read the WindowsUpdate.log created by the Get-WindowsUpdateLog cmdlet. I knew there is an article that shows How to read the Windowsupdate.log file that I used some years ago to color the windows update log.

I also noticed that there’s a major difference in the content of the log.
The column separator is not longer a tab, it’s a serie of spaces.

I’ve also discovered another very insightful article about Understanding the Windowsupdate.log file for advanced users

I created another function that uses regular expression grouping to split each line and extracts the info based on the given format:

Function Import-WindowsUpdateLog {
Read the content of the Windows Update log and import it as an object
Read the content of the Windows Update log and import it as an object.
It will read each line and create an object with the following properties:
The path of the windows update log file.
Import-WindowsUpdateLog -FilePath ~\Desktop\WindowsUpdate.log
"~\Desktop\WindowsUpdate.log" | Import-WindowsUpdateLog | Out-GridView
Get-Item ~\Desktop\WindowsUpdate.log | Import-WindowsUpdateLog | Out-GridView
Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf
Begin {}
Process {
try {
Get-Content -Path $FilePath -ReadCount 1 -ErrorAction Stop |
ForEach-Object {
$Date,$Hour,$WUPID,$WUTID,$Component,$Message = (
).Match($_).Groups | Select-Object -Last 6 -ExpandProperty Value
Date = $Date
Hour = $Hour
Component = $Component
Message = $Message
} catch {
Throw "Failed because $($_.Exception.Message)"
End {}

With this function, you can simply do:

"~\Desktop\WindowsUpdate.log" | Import-WindowsUpdateLog | 

and you can use the Out-GridView cmdlet to filter and search what you’re looking for:

The above function is quite handy and would for sure replace notepad to read the human readable WindowsUpdate log file created by the Get-WindowsUpdateLog cmdlet.

3 thoughts on “Get the content of the WindowsUpdate log as an object

  1. Pingback: Dew Drop - January 8, 2018 (#2638) - Morning Dew

  2. Bonjour,
    Essai avec Windows 10 v1607
    Avec le cmdlet Get-WindowsUpdateLog un fichier log est créé sur le bureau
    Ensuite :
    “~\Desktop\WindowsUpdate.log” | Import-WindowsUpdateLog | Out-GridView
    Le tableau est vide !
    WindowsUpdate.log sur le bureau a bel et bien un contenu.
    Une idée ?

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