WSUS (bundled or installable) child updates

This morning there was question on about how to find if the following .Net Rollup update (4019112) has been installed.

The person approved 4019112 but noticed that the WMI Win32_QuickFixEngineering class didn’t list it.
Instead it contained the following updates KB4014504 and KB4014511 that are actually bundled inside the rollup 4019112

The person was also asking if there’s another way to find what child updates an update installs instead of what’s listed on its support page.

Yes, there is one. If you use the WSUS API GetInstallableItems method. It will list what child updates an update will install (more precisely, it will get the directly bundled, non-explicitly-deployable child updates of this update. Creates an installable item on behalf of this update if the update itself has files.)

(Get-WsusServer).SearchUpdates('4019112') |
Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select an update'| 
ForEach-Object { 
} | ft -AutoSize

As you can see the KB4019112 (logically) bundles an update for every supported version of .Net.

Unfortunately, we couldn’t use the GetRelatedUpdates method and its enum UpdatesBundledByThisUpdate that should also list child updates that are bundled in this update.

# what's the numeric value of the UpdatesBundledByThisUpdate enum

(Get-WsusServer).SearchUpdates('4019112') | 
ForEach-Object {
 $_ | 
 Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name UpdatesBundledByThisUpdate -Value {
 } -Force -PassThru
} | Select Title,UpdatesBundledByThisUpdate | 
Out-GridView -PassThru | Select -ExpandProperty UpdatesBundledByThisUpdate

As you can see, it doesn’t return anything. Why?


Well, because the above two searches also don’t return anything.
It means that these updates don’t exist as individual updates in WSUS.

To find out if the .Net rollup 4019112 has been installed on a target computer you can either:

# use the Get-HotFix cmdlet
Get-HotFix -Id 'kb4014504','kb4014508','kb4014511','kb4014514'
# or the  Get-WmiObject cmdlet
Get-WmiObject -Query 'Select * FROM Win32_QuickFixEngineering WHERE HotFixID = "KB4014504" OR HotfixID = "KB4014508" OR HotfixID = "KB4014511" OR HotFixID = "KB4014514"' 

1 thought on “WSUS (bundled or installable) child updates

  1. Pingback: Dew Drop - July 12, 2017 (#2518) - Morning Dew

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