Find file names and URL of Windows 10 feature updates on WSUS

This question about how to find file names for Windows 10 feature updates on WSUS was raised this morning or last night on the list because Windows 10 1709 (CB = Current branch) was declared “CBB”, current branch for business (sorry, this is the old wording). In other words, the 1709 branch went from Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted) deployment state to a broader one called just “Semi-Annual Channel” (SAC)….

If I’m not clear, here’s the official release cadence, names and explanation:

… this question was raised because a 4th ISO is also expected…

and another list member asked how to get this info.

Abbodii replied the following:

If you are interested in these XML files as well, here are the links:

In a business environment, you’re more likely to find a WSUS server and it appears that you can also get the file names (ESD images) and their source location using PowerShell like this:

'Feature update to Windows 10, version 1709, en-us'
) | 
ForEach-Object { 
 Write-Verbose "Looking at update id $($_.Id.UpdateId) revision: $($_.Id.RevisionNumber)" -Verbose
 $_.GetInstallableItems() | 
 ForEach-Object {
  $_.Files | 
  ForEach-Object {
    URI = $_.OriginUri.OriginalString
    FileName = $_.OriginUri.Segments[-1]
} | Select FileName

This also means that you can approve only one feature updates if you only have for example x64 based Windows 10 clients to target.
With the above code, you know the update id and you can now do:

$WXtargetgroup = (Get-WsusServer).GetComputerTargetGroups() |
Where Name -eq 'Windows 10 x64'

'Feature update to Windows 10, version 1709, en-us'
) | Where-Object { 
 $_.Id.UpdateId -eq '7c803efa-be06-4481-9f8c-889afb34faf8' 
} | 
ForEach-Object -Process {
 Write-Verbose -Message "Approving $($_.Title)" -Verbose        

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